Course Description

Welcome to the CS Audit Training Course

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the CS Audit Training Course - Course overview

    2. An Introduction to CS Audit

    3. Introduction - How does it work?

    1. CS Audit Roles

    2. Maintaining CS Audit Users

    1. Profile Options Overview

    2. The Event Server

    3. Finding & Setting Profile Options

    1. Creating a Class

    2. Creating a Set

    3. Creating An Entity

    4. Audit Trail Security

    5. Confirming the Entity

    6. Enabling the Entity

    7. Testing the Entity

    8. Audit Trail Reporting - Enquirer

    9. Audit Trail Reporting - Export (XML Spreadsheet)

    10. Audit Trail Reporting - Audit Report

    11. Audit Trail Reporting - Export (CSV)

    12. Disabling an Entity

    13. Exporting an Entity

    14. Deleting an Entity

    15. Importing an Entity

    1. Adding Metadata to Your Entities - Part 1

    2. Adding Metadata to Your Entities - Part 2

    3. Adding Metadata to Your Entities - Part 3

    4. Bench marking your Join Elements

    5. Fine-Grained Auditing with Criteria

    6. Additional Entity Information & Risk

    7. Setting up Notification & Approval Groups

    8. Generating Notifications - Part 2

About this course

  • Free
  • 31 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content